The Ariadna panel introduce the Anti-Crisis Barometer Newspoint and the Ariadna panel introduce the Anti-Crisis Barometer November 4, 2013, Paulina Pocheć Newspoint and Ariadna have launched a joint research tool - the Anti-Crisis Barometer - designed for companies and organizations experiencing an image crisis on the Internet. The Anti-Crisis Barometer is a joint research product of both companies. It is designed for organizations that are struggling or have struggled with an image crisis on the Internet. The survey is carried out using the analysis of content from Newspoint monitoring, which is then supplemented with a measurement on a representative sample for the target group on the nationwide Ariadna research panel. Such a combination of research methods allows not only to know the opinions of Internet users commenting on events on the web, but also to obtain feedback from Internet users who do not comment on the content.
It also allows you to capture how online discussion translates into consumer India WhatsApp Number List awareness and attitude. An example of the implementation of the Anti-Crisis Barometer is a study on the "tartar scandal", Newspoint and Ariadna checked how the confusion on the web affected the image of the Sokołów brand. For this purpose, two types of research were used: an analysis of texts from the Newspoint Internet monitoring, published between August 15, 2013 and September 16, 2013, and a survey conducted on a representative sample of Internet users aged 15 and over on September.
The conclusions of both studies show that although the tartare case aroused on the Internet, it did not translate significantly into the image of the brand. Although 50% of Internet users heard about the case, only half of them correctly associated the brand. Despite the whole scandal, Internet users still believe that the Sokołów brand is superior to other brands in the category in many respects and is the leader of its product category.