This means, on the one hand, working hard on improving commercial and marketing strategies, as well as on a strong technological drive; on the other hand, to enhance, as noted in the report, an accumulation of knowledge , know-how , which does not derive only from the productive and technological sphere, but (and in a particular way) from a broad review of the corporate culture and from the growth of its human capital.
Investing in human capital Among the factors that risk hindering business competition, the use of qualified human resources still remains in the background. On a scale from 0 (least important) to 3 (very important), the lack of qualified personnel scores 1.1. Of course, with some differences in evaluation between the mobile number list industries that innovate in a " strong " way compared .
To the industrial realities that limit themselves to less radical innovation processes, but which in numbers translates into the presence (on average) of 10% of graduates , in first group of industries, and 5% in the second. A gap that is even more marked compared to its European competitors. Beyond the "degrees of innovation.