Little leaks that keep men poor A headline that avoids losing money. Especially leaks that you know from a sinking boat... can often even end fatally. 52. Pierced by 301 nails...retains full air pressure Who wouldn't be interested and curious... and wanting to learn more. You? 53. No more grueling gardening for me – Yet ours is now the neighbors' scene! Another good example of a before and after headline that outlines the rudder from negative to positive. It also has an element of excitement - a quality that makes many good headlines. Here the enthusiasm of the copywriter is wonderfully conveyed.
Often a bridesmaid, never a bride Very nice headline that gets straight to the point. So concise. And as usual. Awesome headline. 55. How much is "worker strain" costing your company? A headline that was successful in business magazines aimed at managers. This manager immediately thinks, "I want to know what types of 'worker tension' there are. What is that? Why is it costing Israel phone number list us net profit? How much does it cost us exactly? If it costs us something, what can we do about it?”. 56. To men who might one day want to quit their jobs Directly selects the reader without wasting a word. And the target group doesn't seem to be very small eithe.
How to plan your house the way you want it This headline was nearly 20% better than "How to Avoid And this one wasn't bad. Many expect their architects to avoid mistakes - but often they think they know better than anyone. 58. Don't buy a table – Until you've seen this business show sensation Strong stopper and command heading. The actual text begins immediately with "As long as it does not have this property, or this, or this...". 59. Recall those great moments at the opera Sometimes it's good to start where the reader was . This nostalgic headline sold turntable recordings of great operas.